Typework Studio

Alexandria Professional Beauty & Skin Package Design

"It's not about the color of your skin, it's about the condition of it..."
-Lina Kennedy

Alexandria Professional Beauty Skin Package Design

Alexandria Professional Beauty Skin Package Design

Alexandria Professional Beauty Skin Package Design

About this Beauty and Skin Package Design Project

This Alexandria Professional Beauty & Skin Package Design project was part of a long term brand identity. Alexandria Professional is the leader of body sugaring, a form of skin epilation. In addition to body sugaring products, Alexandria Professional also offers a variety of beauty skin products.

These beauty products are for the skin’s comfort after the body sugaring process. In addition to easing discomfort, they also help maintain and beautify the skin. The package design for these products had to represent these, while at the same time being feminine and beautiful. Through the use of typography and color, the end product is simple and clearly directs the user to what the product is for.

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