Typework Studio

Heather Davis Studio CMS + Ecommerce Web Design

"Art that Speaks of Architecture,
Infastructure, and Time."
- Heather Davis

Heather Davis Fine Art CMS + Ecommerce Web Design
Heather Davis Fine Encaustic Art - In Situ
Heather Davis Fine Art CMS + Ecommerce Web Design
Heather Davis Fine Encaustic Art - In Situ
Heather Davis Fine Art CMS + Ecommerce Web Design - Product Page
Heather Davis Cart Page
Heather Davis Fine Encaustic Art - Mobile Web Design

About the Heather Davis Web Design

Heather Davis came to our web design agency in the summer of 2017. We have had the joy of working with Heather on another brand, Why Not Farms in North Carolina. She originally approached us with the need for a logo design and branding of her specialty poultry brands. As Why Not Farms grew, the farm expanded into two locations and Heather ventured into a new area as an emerging encaustic fine artist.

Encaustic Art has its roots deep in art history, a technique used by the Renaissance masters. The art technique involves the integration of wax and oil paint, acrylic or other mediums such as paper collage to create a fine art work. As the wax is melted by the artist, it forms an artistic creation that is timeless and beautiful. This is Heather’s artistry.

Heather came to us with the need for a brand to sell these beautiful creations. Because she also needed an avenue to offer her art to the world, there was also the need for an e-commerce web site. We partnered together to first create a logo design that would represent her brand. The logo is unique in itself, and is a combination of Heather’s signature with her style of art.

As we approached her website, the Heather Davis Web Design needed a variety of functionality, which included:

  • A CMS system would allow her to add and manage products, maintain a blog and update content
  • An e-commerce storefront that would showcase her art and allowed people to purchase securely online via credit cards
  • An inventory management system
  • The ability to book a home consultation and request a custom piece, and contact her directly
  • Maintain a high level of design to showcase her art work in-situ, to give the user a better idea of how the artwork would appear within the context of their home
  • Integrate social media and email marketing
  • Have mobile functionality, and respond to tablets and phones

We were able to accomplish all this in the final Heather Davis Fine Art E-commerce web site. The site’s CMS system is WordPress with a custom built WordPress theme unique to Heather. Finally, the end web site integrates a variety of plugins to accomplish the above requirements.

View the Heather Davis Fine Art Web Site Design

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