Typework Studio

Becky Schmidt Blog Photography

Becky Schmidt Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography St. Matthews Church Brand Photography

About the Blog Photography for Becky Schmidt

Becky Schmidt came to our design studio with the need for a logo and the design and development of her blog. Not only did she need help the design of her entire brand, but the project had to launch within a month time frame. The purpose of Becky’s brand/blog combines her love for history and her knowledge of the Bible to help women grow. While the blog is a resource of study tools to help women understand the Bible, the site also examines how the Bible relates to our culture and includes Becky’s thoughts of Scripture.

Design & development of blogs is a regular service we offer, however setting up a look and feel that correctly identifies the brand is not as simple. An important aspect of every site is the about us page. This helps with credibility of the brand. For Becky, the about us page needed to represent her approach on writing and set a visual representation. One of her initial ideas was to have the photography taken in a white and simple church. That being said, this was not easy to find in Buffalo, NY. After a quick search on google, we found a local hidden gem, only 2 miles away from our studio.

The place we shot the blog photography is St. Matthews Church, located on East Ferry St. near Moselle in Buffalo, NY. Although the church is completely abandoned and in ruins, we felt the church was the perfect place for Becky’s photography. The Gospel is rapidly declining in America, with Buffalo, NY statistically listed as one the top ten most Biblical illiterate cities. With this in mind and coupled with Becky’s vision, we felt the church serves a perfect backdrop for her brand.

This project is the imagery we took for Becky in the empty church. Although in complete ruins, the church still stands in her all radiant glory. Around the entire sanctuary are these huge columns, with life size angels in gold holding plaques of the Beatitudes. Although missing windows and emptied, the church remains beautiful and strong in the midst of a city in decline.

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