Typework Studio

Worldwide Protective Product Photography

"A leading manufacturer of high performance personal protective equipment, Worldwide Protective Products safeguards workers in high-risk industries against potentially disastrous accidents."

Worldwide Protective Products Photography Worldwide Protective Products Photography Worldwide Protective Products Photography Worldwide Protective Products Photography Worldwide Protective Products Photography Worldwide Protective Products Photography Worldwide Protective Products Photography

About the Worldwide Protective Products Photography Project

In addition to building strong brands at our NY branding and design agency, we also offer product photography for brand identity. For this particular project, we partnered with Jordan Dilllemuth, creative director of Worldwide Protective Products. As their primary business, Worldwide offers cut-resistant knit gloves, sleeves and garments all made in New York, North Carolina & Massachusetts. Worldwide had a new line of protective wear products for their catalog. Jordan and a model came to our in-house studio, where we took all the product photography on the model for the company. The entire photo shoot took a full day. This project showcases some of the final high res photography shot.

Learn more about Worldwide Protective Products at their website: https://www.worldwideprotective.com/

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