Typework Studio

Brookdog Fishing CMS Web Design

"Brought to you by guys that just want to fish."

Brookdog Fishing CMS Web Design

Brookdog Fishing CMS Web Design

Brookdog Fishing CMS Web Design

About the Brookdog Fishing CMS Web Design

The Brookdog Fishing CMS Web Design Project was part of an overall brand identity project. Brookdog Fishing is a Buffalo, NY fishing company relatively new to the area. Lead by Ryan Shea, Brookdog has quickly become a fishing success nearly overnight.

The CMS Web Design was very specific. The site had to be manageable by Brookdog, have social media, blog and responsive web design. The site expands out even more from here. Brookdog Fishing establishes itself as a leader in everything fishing. The user has the ability to explore the fishing seasons is Western NY, as well as the types of fish local to the area. The site also gives Brookdog the ability to review fishing gear and rate it. Finally, the site allows the user to book a trip with Brookdog.

Built with WordPress as the CMS, some of the features of the site include:

  • Multiple responsive slideshows
  • Blog
  • Review system of fishing gear
  • Custom fields to deliver specs on species and seasons page
  • Book a trip functionality
  • Social media sharing
  • Integrated google map for fishing locations

View the Brookdog Fishing CMS Web Design  by Typework Studio Branding & Web Design Agency.

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