Typework Studio

The Smart Coalition CMS Web Design

"In April 2014, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) agreed to unify their resident physician training programs. They did this with no input from Congress, or the community based residency programs that this would adversely impact."

The Smart Coalition CMS Web Design The Smart Coalition CMS Web Design The Smart Coalition CMS Web Design The Smart Coalition CMS Web Design The Smart Coalition CMS Web Design The Smart Coalition CMS Web Design

About the SMART Coalition CMS Web Design

The SMART Coalition is a website created to speak up against a physician shortage and help address the problem. The project was led by Kevin Keenan of Keenan Communications Group, with whom we also worked alongside on the Sevenson CMS Web Design. Our NY Web Design Agency was responsible for the design of the site as well as the CMS web development. The final site is a custom WordPress theme unique to the SMART Coalition. The final site is also responsive for mobile and tablets.

View the final site: www.thesmartcoalition.com

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