Typework Studio

SonRays Ministries CMS Web Design

"For 30+ years, SonRays Ministries in WNY ministers to women in a variety of life situations by offering healing & hope.

Sonrays Ministries CMS Web Design - Typework Studio

Sonrays Ministries Tablet Design

Sonrays Ministries CMS Web Design Donate Page

Sonrays Ministries CMS Responsive Web Design

About this CMW Web Design Project

SonRays Ministries is Buffalo, NY womens’ ministry that guides women through life events. Beginning over thirty years ago as a prayer hotline, SonRays evolved into a full time ministry. While their primary service is to help women through life struggles, they also minister to seniors and youths.

This rebrand project began when Cyndi Perry joined the Board of Directors. Part of Cyndi’s job description was to bring the ministry up to date with modern technology. Our design agency partnered with SonRays and Cyndi to help offer not only the knowledge, but the design skill of the rebrand. The project began with a new logo design, followed by a new CMS web design and brochure design.

As we came alongside SonRays, there were a few challenges. The new website had be fully manageable by the staff, easily updated, and allow for donations. Our NY branding and design agency was able to offer the following with the redesign:

  • Design & develop a custom WordPress template for SonRays Ministries
  • Integrate a calendar of events
  • Incorporate an easy system of donations and monetary gifts
  • Allow for quick contacts through a form system on each of the services page
  • List upcoming events and needs at the ministry
  • Integrate SSL for processing of payments
  • Be fully responsive and adapt to mobile phones and tablets

The images above showcase the final WordPress CMS Design for SonRays Ministries. If interested, the full website can be viewed at: https://sonraysministries.com/

Make your brand better

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Please call us at (716) 320-0010 or email us at [email protected].

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