Typework Studio

Southtowns Upholstery CMS Web Design

"One of the great joys of this project was to craft a website for a craftsman, to convey to the end user that this web site, as well as the business is about craftsmanship."

Southtowns CMS Web Design Southtowns CMS Web Design Home Page

About the Southtowns Upholstery CMS Website

Southtowns Upholstery is an auto and marine upholstery shop located in the Southtowns of Buffalo, NY.  Their first launch of the site was in 2010, yet due to increasing web trends and outdated software, the site was in need of updates. The old site had outdated flash trends, like slideshows and navigation, which were not conducive to mobile. Also, the site was not mobile, and could not be read on phones or tablets.

Because of this, Southtowns Upholstery was in need of a new website. Our branding and design agency took over and built the new site, with complete content management and mobile responsiveness. Coupled with a strong, yet minimal and timeless design, the basic site advanced to the next level of web.

The CMS website built for Southtowns Upholstery includes the ability to add new upholstery projects on the whim. We integrated two type faces into the web design, Keplar STD for headlines and Gentona for paragraph reading. Keplar adds a sense of time and service, as Southtowns Upholstery is a leader in repairing classic auto interiors. Gentona is a modern font that lends itself to good reading. As a result, the two work together in unity to create a stong and effective website. The end result is a classic and unique site, unlike any other shops in the area.

In terms of UX, we built the site for mobile and tablets, integrated Javascript for slideshows and interactivity, along with a custom theme.

View the Southtowns Upholstery website: https://southtownsupholstery.com/


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