Typework Studio

WhyNot Farm CMS Web ReDesign

"Raising Rare, Grassfed and Gourmet Pastured Breeds"

WhyNot Farm CMS Web RedesignWhyNot Farm CMS Web Redesign
WhyNot Farm Web Design - Responsive
WhyNot Farm About Us Web
WhyNot Farm Mobile Design

About the WhyNot Farm Web Design + Branding

WhyNot Farm is a rare type of farm in North Carolina who offer pastured meats. Originally they began as a farm that offered a variety of specialty chickens. Heather Davis came to our design agency in need of a brand. Their farm was in need of everything, they had only the name. Logo, business cards, envelopes, brochures, and websites were all part of the needs of the brand startup.

After the brand was set up, years later WhyNot Farm came back to us. As the initial branding proved successful, WhyNot Farm grew as a brand. They opened up another location in Tennessee and began to offer a variety of pastured meats. This called for a website overhaul to showcase the new features of the farm.

The updated farm website redesign for WhyNot Farms included:

  • New farm homepage that highlights all aspects of the website, such as the farm breeds, the farm blog and benefits to the pastured meat
  • Custom WordPress theme development specific to WhyNot Farms
  • New catalog of animals, the previous site was chickens and as the farm has grown they have new breeds of animals
  • Mobile responsiveness so that the website reformats to the device and browser of the site
  • Custom sliders on animal catalog pages
  • Form integration that sends HTML email responses to end use
  • Ability to blog and social media sharing

This project shows the new website redesign by our NY web design agency. The end product runs on WordPress and has a custom designed wordpress theme specific to the brand.
Visit the WhyNot Farm Website

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Please call us at (716) 320-0010 or email us at [email protected].

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