Typework Studio

KiSS Waxing CMS + E-Commerce Web Design

KiSS Waxing CMS + E-Commerce Web Design KiSS Waxing CMS + Ecommerce Web Design KiSS Waxing CMS + Ecommerce Web Design KiSS Waxing CMS + Ecommerce Web Design KiSS Waxing CMS + Ecommerce Web Design KiSS Waxing CMS + Ecommerce Web Design

About the KiSS Waxing CMS & E-commerce Web Design Project

Alexandria Professional® is an international company that is the leader in body sugaring and offers natural beauty and wellness products to the health industry. Our NY design agency once again had the opportunity to participate with them on their body sugaring brand, KiSS Waxing®. Alexandria Professional® developed KiSS Waxing® to be a very simple, safe and effective hair removal waxing product that is all natural, water soluble, not hot to the skin, 100% sanitary and easy to use.

The objective of this web project was to create a web site that was a modern and fresh brand where professionals would respond to and want to purchase from, and did not stray too far from the Alexandria Professional® corporate brand. We redesigned and redeveloped the new site into a custom designed WordPress theme specifically for KiSS Waxing®, using Woocommerce as the e-commerce cart to help keep cost down. The new site features responsive web design, allowing it to be viewed on mobile and tablets. We also incorporated social sharing to help further the brand response across the web.
View the KiSS Waxing® Website here: kisswaxing.com

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Please call us at (716) 320-0010 or email us at [email protected].

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